another project!
next project!
speaking of books, i wanted to talk a bit about where the motivation and inspiration i've felt this year came from. for years, i've been meaning to completely redo my photo site, and get started on various other projects. but i kept telling myself, "yeah, i'll start tomorrow." and then i found something else that required my attention 'tomorrow.' i would do this for days and weeks in a row, until i forgot about it for the next few months. i have a gift for procrastination.
but, early this year, i read a book. this book seriously, literally changed my life. you may have heard of it. "the alchemist" by paulo coelho. it made me realize that, if i have a dream, i have a choice: either fucking go for it at all costs; or, let the chance slip by and be miserable for the rest of my days. sometimes i read a book or watch a movie, and i'm overcome with some kind of emotion or motivation, but it usually only lasts a few hours, or days at most. but i'm *still* feeling this motivation to make my dreams come true, over half a year later. and it's not showing signs of going away. i recommend this book to everyone within the sound of my text, more than anything i've ever recommended. if you have a dream, do yourself a favor and read it.
bad joke
what's the difference between a photographer and a large pizza?
the pizza can feed a family of four!
(good thing my family is only 3 people...)
i'll say that it's still in beta, because i may have to make a few small tweaks.
anyway, i feel really good. it's taken so long, with so many difficult decisions, while trying to do so many other things. but i managed to keep myself motivated, and completed this project! time to move on to the next project...
it's on its way!
it will certainly take some time, but it'll be worth it! we're almost there, man!
but i still don't know how i'll organize the new site. keep it as-is, by photo type; or change it to category/genre view?
this will take some thought; and maybe some suggestions...
come on, peeps!
so i decided to make a cutoff point effective immediately.
finally, i have a finite amount of shots to edit from. maybe i can finally get a little closer to finishing!
april fools
yeah, there is no "japan's top photographer" contest.
but i got a few good shots recently. here's one:
japan's top photographer
guess what, everyone...?
i just won the 'japan's top photographer' contest!!
i'm gonna get prize money of $10,000, plus a guaranteed publishing deal! plus, i'll be featured and interviewed in several of the biggest, most respected photo magazines in japan! this is the beginning of an entirely new career for me. i'm so fucking excited!
but how best to reorganize them? i could do it by subject. for example, people, things, abstract, places, etc. or maybe by "genre": funny, documentary, views, emotive, details, etc. or maybe i should make categories and subcategories?
this is going to take some thought.
scanning negatives
i made a shot of a typewriter in my uncle's apartment several years ago. it was unplanned, completely spontaneous. but i ended up spending about 5 hours setting up lighting and the 4x5 inch format view camera, with all of its settings. i was in the zone that time. except for the fact that it ended up underexposed. but anyway, it's a good shot.
and i never got around to scanning it! time to rectify that...
working process
this photo was from the "maybe" group of shots, that i thought might end up on my updated website:
it's interesting, especially to people who don't go hiking in the mountains of japan. but it seemed to be missing something. it didn't have enough punch. so, i messed around with it a bit, and came up with this:

it's a bit more interesting, and not necessarily very cliched. but...
i don't know. it's not quite there, and maybe i should go in a completely different direction. or just cut this one.
i haven't finished this one shot yet, and i have hundreds more to go. good times!
wait, i can make titles? i just found this text box...
the hardest thing is deciding which photos to use. i went through my photos, and chose a *lot* of "maybes". that part was easy enough. but next, i'm working on cutting, taking out the shots that don't cut it for one reason or another. round after round of cutting. each decision takes so much consideration.
i'll hopefully be posting fairly regularly.
to make this post (almost?) worth reading: i had an interesting idea. photo scavenger hunts!
here's how it works: get together 2 or more people, or 2 or more teams. there could be a list made beforehand, or the players/teams could take turns thinking of ideas to scavenge. let's say the item is "rabbit." everyone goes out and takes photos of either an actual rabbit, or a toy, statue, or cartoon of a rabbit. or, maybe something that vaguely resembles a rabbit, perhaps a tree branch with "rabbit ears."
next, everyone meets up again (maybe have a time limit?), and compare photos to see who got something closest to the stated goal. if the players aren't too competitive, they should be able to decide a winner among themselves. if, however, people anticipate problems with this judging system, an impartial judge should be brought in from the beginning.
the game gets more interesting when the "object" to photograph becomes more abstract. how about "love?" you could shoot a couple holding hands, or... well, what does love mean to you?
it could also be something difficult, like "fog" on a non-foggy day. people might try to find or produce steam or smoke, or shoot frosted glass. clouds could work, too.
judging is based on 2 criteria:
1. closeness to the goal; and, if two or more people/teams shoot the same thing--
2. artistic and technical quality.
anyone wanna play?