well, i decided to start this blog about my photographic/artistic activities and developments. partly to let anyone who might care know what i'm up to and how things are going. but mostly to motivate myself to actually *make* developments in my career, and to bring them to fruition. i'll hopefully be posting fairly regularly.
to make this post (almost?) worth reading: i had an interesting idea. photo scavenger hunts!
here's how it works: get together 2 or more people, or 2 or more teams. there could be a list made beforehand, or the players/teams could take turns thinking of ideas to scavenge. let's say the item is "rabbit." everyone goes out and takes photos of either an actual rabbit, or a toy, statue, or cartoon of a rabbit. or, maybe something that vaguely resembles a rabbit, perhaps a tree branch with "rabbit ears."
next, everyone meets up again (maybe have a time limit?), and compare photos to see who got something closest to the stated goal. if the players aren't too competitive, they should be able to decide a winner among themselves. if, however, people anticipate problems with this judging system, an impartial judge should be brought in from the beginning.
the game gets more interesting when the "object" to photograph becomes more abstract. how about "love?" you could shoot a couple holding hands, or... well, what does love mean to you?
it could also be something difficult, like "fog" on a non-foggy day. people might try to find or produce steam or smoke, or shoot frosted glass. clouds could work, too.
judging is based on 2 criteria:
1. closeness to the goal; and, if two or more people/teams shoot the same thing--
2. artistic and technical quality.
anyone wanna play?